Lesson 20: To see beyond darkness.


The most inspiring texts are those which carry the heart and the soul of the writer. Experiences which shaped a man reshaped into text to shape others. A pattern of spiritual transmutation as described by ancient alchemists. But what motivates a man to search for answers to questions anyone hardly ever asks or even dares to ask? What motivates a man to jump in front of a train to end his life? Today's lesson is a tricky one and one that comes with responsibility. The thing that separates these teachings from most others is that they are free of charge and they require no classifications. There is no judgement, you are the judge. You decide whether you can carry the information or not.

 To be or not to be is to see or not to see. What we are is limited by our vision and our vision is limited by our knowledge. Expanding you're knowledge is expanding you're vision, but gathering knowledge isn't easy and comes with a price. So which price does a man pay to gather knowledge? To answer this question, we can also turn it around. What keeps a man from gathering knowledge? Most people could answer these questions very quickly, but to those who learn the duality of things it is not a matter of questions and answers any more. Questions and answers are a product of ignorance. We can see and experience, so why ask? We ask because something restrains us from seeing and experiencing that which we question. Fears, lethargy, the illusion of good and evil, lack of interest, just a few reasons to keep yourself from seeing and experiencing things. So what are the biggest questions we have ever asked ourselves? Those have to be a product of ignorance as well if the theory is correct, and it is. Personally I do not question the things that make me see and experience, because I know in due time it will provide me with answers. I don't even question darkness anymore, because I have seen plenty of darkness in my life and it can always produce something good. Like weapons can also do some good, defending people for example. So why is there darkness? Because we judge with lack of vision in fear of experience. Everything is a paradox and sometimes the hardest questions have very simple answers and the simplest questions lead to difficult calculations. Like the question "are we alone in this universe?", a very simple one, had lead to very complex calculations and mathematical formula`s. But still, every question is a proof for lack of vision, lack of vision is proof for the lack of experience. What is the most evil thing you can ever imagine? Crime? War? Black magic? Torture? Torture is a good one, because a lot of people seem to gain sexual pleasure out of torture, so it can't be all bad. So what makes them experience pleasure in pain? I'm not going to answer that one; I dare you to experience and see it for yourself. Think about those things, what makes us happy and why does it make you happy? What makes people happy in general? Things that might sound complex can be very simple and shocking, drugs make us happy. A variety of chemicals our brain produces every time we recognize a pattern. A very simple reward system which scientist also use in laboratories to train mice and other test animals. They get a chance to recognize a pattern and if they do they are rewarded with food. Our brain behaves in almost the same way. Every time we create, recognize or make progress we are rewarded with a small amount of Dopamine which gives us the feeling of euphoria. In other words, happiness is just a bunch of people having all sorts of experiences to earn their daily shot of dope. Sounds kind of nasty if you put it that way. Also very simple as well, but once you realize how simple happiness can be obtained it also offers a lot of possibilities. That`s what this topic is all about, to see beyond the darkness is to see possibilities. A chance to do better or worse, whatever you decide you'll bear the consequences as well. One of the things I used to ask myself is how come people can be surrounded by evil and still smile as if they have seen a bit of heaven. Maybe their vision is less clouded then ours and they can see beyond a lot more darkness then we can. They can dream of the freedom which lies in the distant future and dream of all the things they will do once the opportunity rises. I personally think standing in the middle of an inferno with a beautiful smile and countless dreams in mind is a divine gift. It makes me ask the kind of questions which I might never find an answer for, like what did Jesus dream of while he was being tortured to death? What dreams does a young refugee have when he crosses a dangerous sea in nothing but an inflatable boat? Dreams are what motivates people and the bigger the dream the higher the motivation. Young men walk into battlefields all the time inspired by dreams of heroic deeds and precious medals. What would inspire a man to endure treason and extreme torture with possibly death as an unhappy ending? His last words did leave us with some clues, like the promise that one that his sacrifice will lead to an apocalyptic event with a paradise on Earth as happy end. His dream has been the source for many movies and interesting stories and myths since then. So where is the moral of this story? There isn't any. A moral is a way to end a story, but not all stories are supposed to end.

To see beyond darkness doesn't seem like much for a lot of people, to me it has been the thing that kept me alive through a troubled childhood. Knowing that some day I would find out it all had some kind of function. Throughout the years I found many functions for darkness and the thing people call evil. Things are only what we make of it. Darkness can be a place for light to enter, for miracles to be born, or a mirror filled with answers as we discussed in the topic about the black mirror. In the darkest and deepest places of the oceans we find the most amazing creatures, like the Anglerfish. Fear of darkness is natural, there used to be a time when we where vulnerable for predators looking for prey at night. A very useful kind of fear, however, crime ratings can confirm that somehow we lost the healthy fear of darkness and replaced it with unhealthy fears for the unknown. So people go out for a walk at night and get themselves killed by predators while they refuse knowledge from the mystical darkness, a paradox upside down. It's all a consequence of a nurturing civilization. Nurture is the opposite of nature. Nature gave us light, but with nurture we created darkness. So is nurture wrong in a world where there is no wrong? Quite a rhetorical question. The only thing we can say is we definitely aren't doing it right yet. We can see the results everywhere around us. How can there be wrong in a right system? How can there be right in a wrong system? There is only learning with trial and error, an essential step for evolution. There is no right or wrong, no good and evil, there is only opportunity, a chance for improvement. Those who do the things others fear know why they do it, to experience. They found the meaning of life hidden in darkness; they go beyond darkness in order to gather experience to evolve. Seeking limits no one has ever dared to find. Like our ancestors once left the safety of the mainland's to search for hidden continents on Earth, fearing they would fall off the edge of the world. But they never did, they only found new land. Maybe one day, we will find a new definition of evil and darkness which removes our fear for the unknown. Who knows what worlds we might discover?